Day 20. Mali in India (MAH-lee)
The Mali (meaning “gardener”) is a caste of horticulturalists known for growing vegetables, flowers, and small crops of spices. In terms of caste, they rank below grain farmers despite both groups being Shudra and classified as Other Backward Castes (OBC). Many Malis live in towns and keep their gardens and farms on the outskirts. They have been pioneers in using irrigation to grow cash crops such as sugar cane and established hundreds of farmer owned sugar mills throughout India. However, seasonal workers on sugarcane plantations are often treated very poorly and suffer health problems due to pesticide exposure.
The great 19th century Indian social reformer, Mahatma Jotirao Phule was Mali. Influenced by his education at a Scottish mission school and the examples of Thomas Paine and Abraham Lincoln, Phule led a movement to emancipate all the “lower” castes. In 1848, Mahatma and his wife Savitribai, were the first non-missionary Indians to launch schools for girls and Dalits.
The vast majority of Mali are Hindu, though some are Muslim. Devi is their principal deity; she is a goddess that incites fear among her followers and requires appeasement through offerings and animal sacrifices. Ancestor worship is also practiced and like most Hindus, astrology is important to them.
Prayers for the families of the Mali:
Lord, send believing families willing to live among the Mali and show them Your love, so that they can see Your willingness to dwell with them. Lord raise up their leaders to put aside all other gods to follow You, the Savior of all peoples.
Lord bless Your Holy Scriptures to be spoken in Mali homes and the fields where they work. Help the Mali hear Your parables about gardening and growing. Show them what following Jesus has done in other communities in—lifting them out of poverty and hopelessness.
Lord, heal, forgive, speak Your Word and wisdom into their communities. Lord bless their crops and the work of their hands for Your Glory.
The Good News of Jesus for our Mali brothers and sisters: The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. (Mt. 13:43-44)