Our World Today: The Remaining Gospel Task

The chart shows where all of the Christians and non-Christians live in the world, including the Unreached and Frontier People Groups. Notice the dark blue section, representing the 25% of the world in Frontier People Groups — living mostly in Muslim majority countries and India.

Pray for the people groups living in the areas of the world shown in blue. 
Never before has a generation had an opportunity for such a great harvest—with the world’s population at 7.8 billion, a harvest in our day could be greater than the total harvest of all previous generations combined. 
Pray for our generation to rise up and meet this incredible opportunity God has given us.

1 Where the gospel is well known and has had a significant impact. (>2% Evangelical or >5% Christian Adherent)

2 Rom 8:14: God’s children are those led by his Spirit. Estimate based on published figures for Evangelicals, Charismatics and Pentecostals.

3 A group must be both ≤ 2% Evangelical & ≤ 5% Christian Adherent to be Unreached.

These percentages are rounded estimates based on published figures and a world population of 7.8 billion people.

Today: 13
Total: 321
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