Pray to Bless the families: Fulfilling God’s Covenant

In Gen. 12:3b, God wrote: “In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Since creating Adam & Eve, giving the Abrahamic Covenant, and up to today, God hasn’t changed his global plan to redeem the families of the earth. For thousands of years He has remembered and fulfilled His covenant of love and blessings both into AND through extended families. And His loving kindness is new every morning. This is how we know what True Love is, by looking at the God who truly is Love. Jesus said that loving God and those near us sums up all the law and the prophets. 

Love sounds so beautiful… until life hits with what it actually requires! Love always involves pain and sacrifice. His love for us sent Jesus to the cross. For His love to thrive within our own family, unending sacrifice is required for us too, as well as daily repentance, forgiveness and choosing grace when those nearest to us don’t deserve it! We all fail at times, even when we have Jesus empowering us. 

Think about how difficult love and forgiveness is for new Jesus followers in a Frontier People with no history of Jesus’ sacrificial example! FPG families can easily mistake a new believer’s faith as a betrayal of their heritage. Jesus’ movements wither when new believers neglect their families. The Apostle Paul said that a healthy family was required for anyone given ministry responsibilities. So, as we “beg the Lord of the harvest to send workers” with His great Good News to our future brothers and sisters in FPGs, ask God to fill them with His deep love for whole families, not just individuals. Pray that “Jesus families” will thrive and multiply into healing movements, growing like a mustard seed until His love rules over their community and beyond. God’s plan is still the same!

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