Every day, thousands of believers unite in prayer for a people group, then do the same the next day for a different people group. Such united prayer for people groups often coincides with breakthroughs among the peoples prayed for, and we encourage you to make good use of each of these resources.
For printed copies of this Pray for the 31 Prayer Guide, including discounted bulk orders, go to: www.Go31.org
Other resources:
I think we need to include a little more direction for GOING.
All the families on earth will be blessed through you. Gen. 12:3
An invitation to the global body of Christ to pray for the 31 largest Frontier People Groups
This prayer guide is a gift to Christ’s body through the collaboration of these organizations and networks:
24:14 Coalition
24:14 Inherit the Nations
Alliance for the Unreached
Ethnê Movement
Fellowship of Prayer Strategists
Frontier Ventures
Great Commission Community
International Prayer Connect
International Prayer Council
Joshua Project
Light of the World Prayer Center
Mission Network/MultMove.net
Telos Fellowship
The Seed Company/Pray for Zero
International Orality Network
and many others …
“When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them.” (Mt 9:36)
In this booklet we join Father God on the streets and in the homes of overlooked peoples to “see” His sons and daughters through His eyes.
“Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Mt 9:38)
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ISBN 978-0-9969652-6-2 – 50499