Day 1. Uyghur in China (WEE-gur)
The Uyghurs are Turkic peoples who have occupied Central Asia for at least 1,000 years. In 1921 various Turkic leaders met and chose the name “Uyghur” for their identity, meaning “unity” or “alliance.” They invented an ingenious irrigation system piping mountain water into oases, enabling them to grow a variety of crops in dry lands. The Uyghurs are Sunni Muslims with some folk practices, though in China’s cities young Uyghurs tend not to be religious.
Most Uyghurs live in western China, Xinjiang province, a police state of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). Over one million Uyghurs have been forced into “re-education” camps. Uyghur leaders say the CCP is wiping out the DNA of their people and forcing detainees to renounce their Uyghur identity, speak only Mandarin, and pledge allegiance to the Communist Party. Significant evidence suggests that some incarcerated Uyghurs are being killed for use in the lucrative Chinese organ transplant industry. (,7l/) Uyghur families are being slowly destroyed. Uyghur children in orphanages are given new identities and women are forced to marry Chinese men against their will because of the limited female population among the Han Chinese that resulted from the “one child rule.”. The Bible is available in Western script in the Uyghur (Uighur) language (2010).
Prayers for the Uyghur families in China:
Lord, send Han Chinese believers to show the compassion of Christ towards the Uyghurs, and to love and protect their families during this season of terrible persecution. Humble the Chinese authorities, as true authority only comes from You, the Lord of heaven. Please deliver the Uyghurs and other peoples of China from unjust oppression.
Jesus, strengthen the few Uyghur disciples as they suffer. May your Holy Spirit fill the internment camps, bringing Your contagious peace and presence to believers and their friends. Give them access to Your Word and the power to love and lead others to You.
Lord, open the hearts of Uyghur families and religious leaders to Jesus, so He can bring God’s forgiveness and blessings to their communities. Reveal to them that Jesus suffered even death so they can have eternal life and help them spread this Good News with others.
Proclaim the blessing of our Father in heaven upon the Uyghur People: You heard my plea: “Do not close Your ears to my cry for relief.” Also: You came near when I called You, and You said, “Do not fear.” O Lord, You took up my case; You redeemed my life. (Lam. 3:56-58)