
31 Intro

Thank you for joining in prayer for the nearly one billion people living in these thirty-one Frontier People Groups (FPGs). Each group is over 10 million people with virtually no progress of the Gospel. They have no known indigenous movements to Jesus and less than or equal to 0.1% Christian of any kind living among them.

Frontier People Groups are ethnic groups with no sign of understanding that the message of Jesus is for them. Often it is because no one has come to tell them. Or they have been warned against Jesus with false information. 

Great Progress in just 50 years!

In recent years the Good News of Jesus has been spreading very quickly around the world! Less than 50 years ago, half of the people of the world lived in Frontier People Groups with no known Jesus movements. Now only 1/4th of the world’s people live in FPGs.

Jesus has been growing communities of believing households in many FPGs. And “People of Peace” (Mt. 10:11; Lk. 10:6) have welcomed believers into their families to tell them about Jesus, the families listen and then spread the news quickly to relatives and friends. Jesus says in Matthew 24:14 that His message of the Kingdom will be told to all the peoples of the earth before the end comes.

What still needs to be done?

In spite of this progress, Frontier People Groups have still not heard this blessing and they are missing out on their inheritance in God’s kingdom. We need to pray for these FPGs, especially the 31 largest, because their faith will impact hundreds of smaller groups living near them. 

Thank you for joining us in prayer for one billion people to receive the blessing God promised to all the families of the earth through Abraham (Gen.12:3).

God’s desire is to bless all the families of the earth. He promised this to Abraham 4000 years ago, and has revealed through His prophets that people from every tribe, language and people group will be before His throne in the last days. 

Most of these Frontier People Groups live in difficult situations that keep them from knowing Jesus. So we’ve included insights to help you pray for God to heal their families and bring new life to their communities. As you pray, may the Lord fill you with His love for them, showing you their great value in His eyes.

Nearly one billion people —
half the population of ALL Frontier People Groups —
live in the 31 groups you are about to pray for.


Why is praying for these 31 groups especially important?
Almost half of these two billion people live within just these 31 largest Frontier People Groups, (over 10 million in size). We believe that movements to Jesus in these 31 largest groups will spread the of Jesus to the smaller FPGs living near them. What an amazing opportunity we have to bring God’s blessing to 25% of the world in our day!

Why are the Frontier People Groups neglected?
The vast majority of prayer, giving and laborers focuses on strengthening believers where Christians are already present. Only a small fraction goes to the FPGs (about 1%)—the quarter of the world where faith in Jesus is still unknown or considered foreign. Many Frontier Peoples live in difficult places geographically, politically or culturally. As a result they have often not heard about Jesus or Jesus has been misrepresented to them as just a god of a foreign religion.

Why are Jesus Movements necessary?
In most Frontier People Groups, Christianity is seen as a powerful Westernizing political/religious force, seeking to undermine their identity as a people. The real message of Jesus is not being heard or understood. Jesus said God is looking for all people who will worship Him “in spirit and truth” (Jn. 4). Movements are needed in the FPGs to bring Jesus’ love and power to strengthen families and communities, without tearing them apart. Rapidly spreading Jesus movements will bless whole households, like in the book of Acts.

Jesus said in Mt. 28, “Go and make disciples of all nations” and promises “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

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